Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Eating Free in a Restaurant

A man used to come to a restaurant every day - 
and after eating - he would take advantage of the crowd and leave quietly - without paying.

One day while he was eating - another customer went to the restaurant's owner and told him that this man would take advantage of the crowd and leave without paying the bill.
The owner said with a smile - 
Don't worry - if he leaves without paying, then let him go. We will talk about it later.

As usual, after eating - the man looked around - took advantage of the crowd, and went out quietly.
After he left, the gentleman asked the restaurant's owner - 
Why did you let that man go without stopping him - without saying anything?

The owner replied that you are not alone.
Many people have seen him doing this and told me about it.
I see him sitting in front of the restaurant every day - 
and when he sees that the restaurant is crowded - 
he comes in - eats, and quietly leaves.
But I always ignored it - never stopped him - never confronted or tried to insult him.
Do you know why?
I feel that my restaurant is probably crowded only because of him.
He is probably praying every day - sitting in front of my restaurant - that soon this restaurant be so crowded that he can sneak in - and leave discreetly after eating - without anyone noticing it.
I've noticed that ever since this guy started sitting and waiting in front of my restaurant - 
my restaurant is always crowded.
I believe that this crowd is because of him - it is because of his prayers.
That's why I don't stop him - don't say anything.
In fact - I thank him in my heart and hope he keeps coming every day like this.

Many times we think and feel proud that we are feeding someone.
But who knows - maybe we are eating because of their fate - 
Because of their prayers and good wishes. 


  1. Be good; Do good; Think good of others. GOD is grace you with all round success. Kar bhala, ho bhala.....without any expectations in return....

  2. Such thoughts are very rare. If we think like this nobody will find fault in others🌹🙏🌹🙏

  3. At times I felt very strongly that whatever I received or achieved in my life was meant for my parents and/or my children.
    Over 38 years have passed since father passed away and about 10 since my mom.
    Whenever they or anyone they cared n loved had ever a need I was the means and in turn got the share of merely disbursing it.
    At First I resented their untimely needs over my personal requirements. As the time went on and on a macro level it became apparent their desires were vital for my growth.
    Thereafter I stopped resenting but enjoying its blessings on me n my family. And joy of living became several folds. I have now the similar feeling for my two children n their family!! Well written thought dear rajan ji. It triggered to a long desire to pen down my comment. Long time admirer of your divine messages but first time Commenter. Ashok Wahi

  4. Superb thought Rajanji...And thanks Ashok Wahiji for sharing your experience too....


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...