Monday, August 17, 2020

To Give or to Receive?

As important as it is for us to learn how to give unconditionally, it is also vital that we allow others to help and contribute to us. 
It is also imperative that when others want to give something to us or help us in any way, then we should also allow them to do so.
The natural energy flows in a cycle of giving and taking. 
A person who refuses to accept love, help & support - wisdom, or care from others - can stop the flow of positive energy just as much as someone who doesn’t want to give it. 

Since childhood, we are taught about giving and helping others - but not taking or accepting help from others. 
Asking for help is generally regarded as a sign of weakness.
If we think deeply, we will find that the world is based on the natural law of giving and taking - not only on one - but on both.
For example, clouds carry water from the sea and spread it on the earth in the form of rain. 
In this way, the cycle of life-energy goes on. 
But only by taking, or only by giving, this cycle cannot be completed.

Similarly, a person who refuses to accept help, knowledge, or love, etc. from others, becomes as much a hindrance in the flow of energy as one who does not want to give.

On a few occasions, when I was touring with Bharpa Ram Chand ji on his Prachar tours - if anyone ever wanted to give me a gift, I strictly refused to accept it. 
On one such occasion, when someone wanted to give me a gift, I refused to accept it and asked him to do whatever Seva he wanted to do for Bhapa ji - or give it to the mission - but I do not want anything for myself. I said I am a seeker and a humble server. I am here to serve - not to receive gifts, etc. 
Bhapa ji heard it and called me - and very affectionately told me that refusing to accept a loving and thoughtful gift or any kind of help or Seva from others is also a sign of ego. By refusing to accept their gesture of love and kindness, we are not only hurting their feelings; their sentiments, but showing our ego - a sense of superiority as well. 
Be open to gracefully receiving from others - whether it’s a gift, a compliment, admiration, or just a piece of friendly advice". 
Giving and receiving – both are an integral part of life. 

However, according to the time and situation - the give and take roles, change their positions.
With a newly born child, parents are all about giving and loving - and the child is entirely at the receiving end. 
The newborn child is unable to give the parents anything other than joy and happiness. 
At that time, the job of the parents is only to give, and they try to provide everything to the child according to their abilities - while the child is completely helpless and dependent on the parents.
But over a period of time, the roles are reversed. 
The parents - when they become too old and helpless - reach at the receiving end. 
This is the time when the children have to take up the role of giving. 
Now it’s time for them to become providers and care-takers.

Considering the physical anatomy and capabilities of humans at different stages of life, this seems to be a natural law of Nature. 
By understanding and adopting this natural law, we can create a more balanced and energetic lifestyle - by giving generously and receiving gracefully - with gratitude.
And, more importantly, knowing when to give and when to receive.      
                                                                         'Rajan Sachdeva' 


  1. Dhan Nirankar.
    I honestly feel this was for me. I accept it and would change as I realize even someone like you had to change. Thank you Guruji on behalf of everyone like me. Though this one is going to be the hardest change. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...