Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Farewell to Pandit Jasraj ji

Pandit Jasraj, one of the stalwarts of Indian classical music, is no more with us. 
He passed away yesterday at the age of 90 - following a cardiac arrest at his home in New Jersey. 
Though he is physically gone, his legacy will remain alive in the hearts of millions of Indian classical music lovers. 
When the history of classical music is written, Pt Jasraj will always be remembered for his contributions - especially for making Indian Classical music quite popular in the west.
I had the privilege of meeting him many times on personal levels, and he very graciously obliged me by visiting my home also a couple of times. He was quite friendly and - even though he was so famous and a highly respected musician and teacher - he always made me feel very comfortable being with him and talking to him. 
I fondly remember one of such incidences. 

In June, 2001, Dr. Prem Khilnani and his son Vijay Khilnani arranged his concert in Oakland university auditorium in Michigan. The night before his performance, I was invited to have dinner with him at Dr. Khilnani's residence. During conversations, he mentioned that their harmonium was damaged in the flight, and they needed one for the concert. I said that I have quite a few and requested him to come to my house and choose whichever he likes. Since I lived only 5 minutes away from Dr. Khilanani, he agreed and came to my home after dinner. I showed him a few Harmoniums and said, please take whichever you like.
He found one that he liked. It was a Pakrashi Scale Changer. 
With a smile on his face, he said, can you repeat what you had said earlier?  
I could not understand the real meaning of his question and said, sorry - I don't remember exactly - please remind me. 
With a serious look on his face, he said - you had said 'take whichever instrument you like. 
So, I can take it and keep it with me? It's quite an expensive one, you know. 
I said sure Pandit ji. It's an honor for me to have you here at my place.
He laughed loudly - and said I was just joking. Just picking up on your words. Next time, think twice and use proper words when you say something to someone. They can hold you responsible for what you say. 
Not only he made me feel so comfortable with his friendly gestures, but he gave me a wonderful lesson also in a joking manner. 

He will always be alive and remembered through his beautiful and elegant music. 
                                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '

These Pics were taken on June 8, 2001


  1. Thanks for sharing your experience with Pandit Ji

  2. Though I don't know abcd of classical music,yet name of pandit Jasraj has been very much respectful since ever I heard his name. Great to know that you had close association with him..

  3. Bhakti Bhapa Jì se seekhi, music Pandit Jasraj Ji se ... aap kamaal hon malik 😊🙏

    1. Thanks Tushar ji..A correction though .... I met and hosted Pt. Jasraj ji a few times But I did not say that I learned from him. He was one of the greatest musicians and I have great respect for him. However, My Gurus were Pandit Vachaspati ji (J&K) and Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib. I also learned vocal for a little while from Master Ratan Hadiyabadi ji - a major exponent of Sham Churasi Gharana, and his disciple Master Haridev ji.

  4. Thanks for sharing this experience

  5. very nice memories, thanks for sharing with is all ! 😊

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dhan Nirankar. We have always both treasured and respected you as our spiritual master but I have always missed your great musical skill.
    Please, promise to let us appreciate your great musical talent at your next visit when this Covid mess is over. If there are any other ways we can be a part of this like being able to listen to your work it will be a treat.

  8. कोई पुरानी रूह आयी है।


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