Monday, August 24, 2020

Internet vs Inner-Net

In this era of the Internet, almost everyone is sending dozens of messages on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or other similar social sites every day. The moment some people get a communication, they rush to forward it to others - sometimes without understanding it or even without reading it. 
What purpose will be served by only forwarding knowledge and words of wisdom, just for the sake of sharing - without understanding it? 
The first and foremost thing about Knowledge is to understand it and then apply it in day to day life.

We cannot get connected with ‘Self or to God via the internet. 
Long before the internet was invented, Saints and sages have been reaching and staying connected with the Self and God by logging on to their Inner-Net - through Sumiran and Meditation or Samaadhi.

The only way to connect with Self or God is through the Inner-Net - not the Internet.
Let’s try to log on to our Inner-net more often.
                              ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Sufi saint sain illahi baksh ji also quoted that .

    Rayt wajood teyrey wich sona, eveyn nazar naa aawey,
    Hanjuaan da ghat paanee dohweyn, reyt matee rurrh jawey.

    Gold is hidden in the sand like your body. Your are unable to discover it.
    Until and unless you don’t wash the sand and clay with the water of your eyes, you cannot find the gold.

    Here the washing mechanism means meditation .

  2. Apt message for the cyber age where there are almost limitless distractions at hand. Distractions can be a barrier to concentration or sumiran.
    Learning without reflection is a waste, reflection without learning is dangerous" - Confucious

  3. Dhan nirankar Uncle ji..very nicely said..the title is very catchy..Thank you.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...