Saturday, August 1, 2020

Tat Twam Asi -- You are that

Through spiritual wisdom, O' beloved one,
We come to know that all life is One.

In the beginning, was only Being - One without a second.

Out of himself, he brought forth the cosmos 
And entered into everything in it.

There is nothing that does not come from him -
Of everything, he is the inmost Self. 

He is the Truth; He is the Self supreme.

You are that - you are that indeed. 
                  Tat Twam Asi
                                     ~ Chhandogya Upanishad ~


Itnay Betaab kyon hain - Why so much restlessness?

 Itnay betaab - itnay beqaraar kyon hain  Log z aroorat say zyaada hoshyaar  kyon hain  Moonh pay to sabhi dost hain lekin Peeth peechhay d...