Monday, August 10, 2020

No doubt there is Negativity in the World

No doubt that there is so much negativity in the world around all of us. 
And most of the people are not able to see the positivity and goodness in others.
And yes - there are times when we wonder if we should still keep on trying to be kind and generous when others are not. It all seems worthless sometimes.

But the question is:
Do we want our bhakti and goodness to be seen by the worldly people or God?
So the question is not “how long we should try.”
But, “what are we trying and why“?
The most important question to ask ourselves is:
Are we trying to follow the path of righteousness and spirituality to achieve moksha - peace, and liberation for ourselves - or to show our virtues to others…for others to see the goodness and positivity in us?

I remember Shehanshah ji used to say that this world never recognizes the saints in their lifetime. 
Only a handful of people see the saints as saints. Most people realize it after they are long gone. 

If it is for others to see, then most people in this world may never see it - no matter how long we try.
If it is for ourselves, then keep trying until it becomes a part of our nature.
Because once the positivity and goodness become our nature, we would not be able to think or do otherwise. 
We will not have to try it…. It would just happen.
It may seem to be hard. 
But no one ever said that the path of spirituality is easy. 
It is compared with walking on the edge of a sharp blade or sword. 
However, it becomes easy when it becomes a part of our nature. 
When we do not have to try to be kind and generous - when it just happens.
                         'Rajan Sachdeva'


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...