Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A Question- Bar Bar Nahin Paaiye

Someone from Karol Bagh Delhi has sent this question:

Dhan nirankar Ji
Can you please elaborate
Kabir Guru Ki Bhagat Kar Chad Mithya Ras Choj
Bar Bar nahin Pahey Manush Janam ki Mauj

First of all, it is important to look for the authenticity of any quote or verse we receive or hear from someone. 
It is possible that the person from whom we heard it, did not listen, or remember it correctly.  
The actual Doha written by Kabeer ji is like this:
               Kabeer Hari ki bhagti kar -Taj vishyaa ras choj
               Bar bar nahin paaiye manusha janam ki mauj

Kabeer ji is asking us to get immersed in the devotion of Hari - Almighty God - Nirankar, Ishwar, Parmatma - whatever we chose to call. 
He says: stay away from the Ras - the worldly pleasures if they become Vishya - the main objective and focus of our attention.
Ras here should be taken as all kinds of Ras - That is Roop, Ras, Gandh, Shabad, and Sparsh (Sight, Taste, Smell, Sound, and Touch)
Instead, he says, we should try to accomplish the aim of our life because it is not too often that we get to be born as human beings. 
                                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

             कबीर हरि की भगति करि, तजि बिषिया रस चोज।
             बार बार नहीं पाइए, मनुशा जन्म की मौज॥35॥

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