Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Paradheen Supanehun Sukh Nahin - No one can be Happy being a Slave

The root of suffering is attachment. 
We have created a space in our mind that holds a person or an object as part of us. 
When that person or object is criticized, neglected, insulted, or not respected, we feel sad and angry.
When, for some reason, that person leaves us - or that object is not with us anymore, we feel pain in our mind, and we experience a great sense of loss.    
If we want to be happy, we must learn to love and appreciate those whom we love - while remaining free and independent.
As Goswami Tulasi Das said in Ram Charit Maanas:
                      'Paraadheen Supanehun Sukh Nahin'
No one can ever find true happiness and peace while being a slave. 
                             Now - Slavery can be of many kinds.
We can be slaves to many things - of some people, some objects, some particular concepts, and beliefs, or specific desires. Any type of slavery eventually brings unhappiness and dissatisfaction.  
It makes us feel empty - weak and uncertain. 
We feel incomplete inside - not whole and complete. There will always be a longing in mind to achieve fulfillment and perfection. 
One has to be free - Jeevan Mukta to feel whole and complete and at peace with oneself.
                                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. It's interesting and perhaps significant that your posting came up a moment before I was preparing to write something that pertains to slavery. Thanks as always for the effort and love that you put into this blog.

  2. It's interesting that you were also thinking of the same topic. Should we say that all great people think alike? Just joking - you know. I am not great or anything. I just share what I have learned form some of the great Saints I have met, and what I think is right.
    Would like to see your article - your ideas also on this topic.

  3. The most common meaning and perspective of Slave/Slavery redefined. In which case, the Master is the actual Slave, dependent and attached to someone or something that serves his or her wants and demands. An attachment of any kind makes one a Slave of it. Although impossible to completely detach and probably not in the nature of human beings, it really serves as a beautiful way to reanalyze our understanding of humanity. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for adding another perspective. You are right - Even the master or a leader becomes a slave when he/she becomes dependent on the servants and followers. Any type of attachment or dependency is slavery.
      I have always believed that absolutely no attachment may not be possible for us - but at the same time, we should try to become free of false dogmas, beliefs, and concepts - and unnecessary attachments with transient objects.

  4. Dhan Nirankar. Dependency of anything and to any extent of things and people makes a slave of oneself.
    The basic 3 principles of Sewa, sumiran and Satsang liberates you from becoming slave to oneself.

  5. Your's quotes are alaway helpful in every situation.

    In reality when we depend on someone upto a great extent it make as slave .
    Bird inside the cage is always unhappy wether the cage is of gold or silver.
    Similarly excess of attachment and dependency are self created cage by a person that make him unhappy and slave.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...