Thursday, August 6, 2020

Personal Growth is more important than Awards

Good relationships, compassion, and peace of mind are much more important than awards, degrees, or positions and fame.
A person can achieve high positions, get recognition, and become famous, but if he is self-centered and arrogant, he can not keep good relationships with others for a long time - Nor can he attain peace in his own mind. 
He will always be concerned about what others are thinking of him.
Such a person is always worried about keeping his position and how to maintain his public image. 
He is more concerned about recognition in public than his personal growth and advancement. 
People may show some respect because of their position, but do not have real regard and reverence for such people in their hearts. 
Honesty, compassion, simplicity, and modesty are the qualities that create real reverence in other's hearts and minds. 
But the truth is that most people want high positions and recognition. 
They want to become famous. 
They want recognition, attention, and admiration - and will do anything to achieve it. 
They will even put up a mask to present themselves differently in the eyes of the public - as if they are the real wellwishers, great sacrificers - with saintly qualities - working for the welfare of society.
But sooner or later, the truth reveals itself. 
Sooner or later, people see them for what they are and move away from them. 
Therefore, we need to set our priorities. 
Do we only want recognition - or personal growth?
Name and fame - or the elevation of mind? 
Awards and positions - or peace of mind? 
Choose wisely and work on it. 
Nevertheless, by choosing the right thing, the recognition still may follow you - 
but that should not be our final goal.  
                                                      ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Its true. This thought arises when one analyses his inner self.

  2. Recognition, attention,high position are part of Maya and despite people Knowing their side effects,still prefer than personal growth..only spirituality can help


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...