Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Divine Truth is uniform and universal

Divine Truth is constant - uniform and universal.
And it can not be defined with words. 
Though - from time to time, Saints and scholars have tried to explain it in different languages - in their own way and according to their own perceptions. 
Therefore, the details may vary according to their perceptions - based on their own understanding and personal experience.

The writers of the Vedas understood this fact very well. 
So, they declared:
               Ekah Satya - Bahudhaa Vadanti Viprah
Meaning: there is only One Divine, ultimate universal Truth, which is interpreted in many ways by wise Sages and scholars.
However, many people, especially westerners, have ignorantly translated 'different perceptions' of one Almighty God as 'many different Gods'. They wrongfully presumed that Hindus believe not in one but in many Gods. 
That is the reason Muslims and Christians believe their God is not the same as the God of Hindus and Sikhs. 
They believe their God is superior to all other Gods. 
Such ignorance and misunderstandings are generated because they have never read the Bhagavad Geeta or the other Hindu Scriptures such as Upanishads, Yoga Vashishta, Ashtavakra Geeta, etc. 
Even many Sikhs now ignorantly believe that their God is different from the God of Hindus. 
The lack of proper knowledge creates misunderstandings - and even friction and hostility among the followers of various religions. 
So, the first and foremost thing to resolve these issues is the Gyana - the proper knowledge. 
Before criticizing others, it is essential to know the actual ideology of their religion by reading their scriptures firsthand and trying to understand them personally. 
Even if some differences are seen, while following your religion, respect the religion of others as well and do not hurt anyone's feelings in any way.


  1. I agree with you to take Gyan and then experience it 🌹🌹

  2. Very true. It's the lack of knowledge that creates differences and animosity among people


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