Thursday, November 11, 2021

Taj Mahal - Two Different Perspectives

We all tend to see things differently.
We view everything according to our own views and perceptions - 
and our views and perceptions depend upon our acquired knowledge and past experiences.

Like the two great poets of recent times - Shakeel Badayuni and Sahir Ludhianvi have expressed entirely different views on the Taj Mahal.
Shakeel Badayuni admires the beauty of the Taj Mahal, as well as its planner and designer.
But Sahir Ludhianvi sees this monument as a mockery and humiliation to the common man.

Here is what they said:
            *Ik shehanshah nay banwaa kay hasin Taj Mahal
              Saari duniya ko mohabbat ki nishaani dee hai
                                                             "Shakeel Badayuni"
(By building the majestic Taj Mahal - a great king has given a magnificent monument of love to the whole world)
And ...............
        Ik shehanshah nay daulat ka sahaara lay kar
         Hum gharibon ki mohabbat ka udaaya hai mazaaq
                                                                          "Sahir Ludhianvi"
(Using his wealth and power, an emperor mocked - ridiculed, and made fun of our - the poor man's love and humiliated us)

It's the same monument - same building and structure, but both of them viewed it differently.

Shakeel looks at it as a beautiful - magnificent monument of love.

But Sahir was not a dreamer. 
He was more of a practical and realistic poet. 
His insight and creativity in poetry touched extreme heights, but his feet were always on the ground. 
He saw everything from the perspective of an ordinary man. 
He tried to be the voice of the poor and oppressed people of society. Most of his non-filmy poetry is about the pain and suffering of poor farmers, laborers, factory-workes, and poor young women - and how the rich and powerful people exploit - abuse, and misuse their situation to their own advantage. 

No wonder he saw the Taj Mahal as merely a show-off of his wealth and power by a mighty king - just to create a feeling of awe and fear in the eyes of ordinary people. Because, soon after the death of his most beloved wife Mumtaj Mehal - Shahjahan took her younger sister as his third (or fourth) wife. (According to some historians, Shahjahan had seven wives)

We may also have different views and opinions - 
Not only about the Taj Mahal - but about everything we see, read or hear. 
It all depends upon our outlook. 
And our outlook depends upon our acquired knowledge and past experiences.
                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '

*इक शहंशाह ने बनवा के हसीं ताज महल
सारी दुनिया को मोहब्बत की निशानी दी है
                                 (Shakeel Badayuni)

** इक शहंशाह ने दौलत का सहारा ले कर
हम गरीबों की मुहब्बत का उड़ाया है मज़ाक
                                 (Sahir Ludhianvi)


  1. Beautiful.. Very true. Perspective does matters. But also perspective is dependent on the state of mind. Same person’s perspective changes if the situation around him/her changes

    1. You are right - our perception changes under different circumstances.
      As we grow older, our views and understandings of people and things also keep changing with time as we gain more knowledge - learn more about other people and objects and gain new experiences.

  2. Wonderful explanation ����

  3. So true!
    People who visit Washington DC almost always take a picture in front of the White House. But it’s a fact that it was mostly built with the forced labor of black slaves.

  4. Dhan Nirankar. It is one way to look at how someone wanted to express their love.
    The most horrifying fact for me was that he cut off the hands of the people who built it so they would never build another one. !!!!
    Even as a child I couldn’t come to terms with that.
    When people praise and talk about it I hang my head down in shame.
    It is beautiful as architectural monument but history is gruesome. 😰😰😰😰🙏🙏🙏🙏


ख़ुशी तो तभी मिलेगी....Happiness only comes when ...

चाहे आलीशान महल हो  -  या छोटी सी झोंपड़ी  ख़ुशी तो यारो तभी मिलेगी जब शांत होगी खोपड़ी                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaahay Aalishaan Mehal ...