Monday, November 8, 2021

Someone is sitting in the shade

If someone is sitting under the shade of a dense tree in his courtyard today -
it is because he had planted that tree a long time ago.

If we want to have a comfortable and better future - 
then we need to put in our efforts now and work hard -
while we can.


  1. Your are Absolutely right ji !
    Anil Gambhir

  2. Nicely pointed out, thanks uncle ji.
    No pain, no gain.

  3. Very true, especially the last line, “while we can”. Sometimes we put off goals, ambitions, and even hobbies/passions for later on in life when we have “time,” but as we get older our body inevitably supports us less and less, so we’re physically unable to do some things. Important reminder to act now while we can.


ख़ुशी तो तभी मिलेगी....Happiness only comes when ...

चाहे आलीशान महल हो  -  या छोटी सी झोंपड़ी  ख़ुशी तो यारो तभी मिलेगी जब शांत होगी खोपड़ी                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaahay Aalishaan Mehal ...