Saturday, November 6, 2021

Lord Krishna dressing up for a meeting

Once, Lord Krishna was standing in front of the mirror - perfecting his appearance - fixing his hair and dress.
He was trying on different crowns on his head and putting on some expensive, elegant jewelry - while his charioteer waited outside with the chariot ready.

The charioteer waited and waited and thought to himself – usually, Lord Krishna comes quickly. 
So much time has passed today, but he has still not come out of his room.

So, out of curiosity - he thought of going inside to see if Lord Krishna was still planning to go out. 
Because Krishna was very unpredictable - anything could change at any time. 

So - the charioteer went inside and saw Lord Krishna standing in front of the mirror admiring himself.
Politely he asked, "My dear Lord, why are you dressing up so much today. Where are we going?"

Lord Krishna said - "I am going to meet Duryodhan".

"You are dressing up so much to meet Duryodhan?"
The surprised charioteer asked.

Lord Krishna said: "Yes - because he cannot see the inside of me. 
He can only appreciate my outside appearance. 
It is how I am dressed that will impress him."

Then the charioteer said - My Lord - why are you even going to Duryodhan? 
You should not go to him - he should come to you.
You are the Lord of the world.
There is no comparison between you and him.
This is not right. You should not go.
Let him come to you.”

Krishna turned back, looked at him, smiled, and said,
“ Bhadra (gentleman) - Darkness does not come to light.
 Light has to go to darkness.”
                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~        ~~~~~~~~~~~

After reading this story this morning - a thought came to my mind.

The sun comes out every morning and illuminates the whole world. But if we keep our doors and windows closed and covered with blinds and curtains - then its light can not enter our home.
If we want light inside the home, then we have to keep the windows open - unblocked.

Similarly - we must keep our hearts and minds open for the divine light to enter and illuminate us from within.
                                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. बहुत ही सुन्दर ✳️🕉️✳️

  2. So apt and inspirational����

  3. Beautiful story.
    May the divine light always shine upon our hearts and minds and help us give meaning to our human birth.

  4. To remain enlightened from inner conciousness one has to b in the divine shelter of THE LORD MASTER

  5. Dhan Nirankar.
    Most beautiful expression of thoughts. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  6. Thanks uncle ji, very nicely said.

  7. Thanks uncle ji, very nicely said.

  8. Exact interpretation of Lord Master's depiction of "GYAAN" Prof Sahib. To make divinity become part n parcel of one's life, inner consciousness is bound to be awakened with enlightenment. " SELF REALISATION IS GOD REALISATION"

  9. Very well described and very applicable to today’s world how people are judged by external looks

    1. You are right - Dr. Garg ji.
      This trend of judging people by their looks and status - by their ranks and positions is present everywhere - in every sphere of life.
      Unfortunately, knowingly or unknowingly, we all do it at one time or the other.


ख़ुशी तो तभी मिलेगी....Happiness only comes when ...

चाहे आलीशान महल हो  -  या छोटी सी झोंपड़ी  ख़ुशी तो यारो तभी मिलेगी जब शांत होगी खोपड़ी                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaahay Aalishaan Mehal ...