Thursday, October 14, 2021

Response depends on how you ask

A man asked a priest -
Father! Can I smoke while I pray?

The priest got Angry.
No, you can not do that," he said.

Another man asked,
Father, Can I Pray while I smoke?

The priest said -
Sure ...... You can pray any time.

There is no difference in both scenarios
But the response depends on how you ask


  1. Hanji that is true but sometimes we can’t express our questions in right way then how can we get the answer,it happens lots of time that I have questions but not right way or words how to express ����

  2. Interesting thought Ji.
    Maybe the words of the question imply what is the man’s priority - prayer or smoking.

  3. Thanks. What a great way to put things in anybody's mind.

  4. You are absolutely right ��

  5. So true ji. Nirankars blessings we have learned to say things with love.


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