Vijaya Dashmi is a Sanskrit word that means the victory over ten (vices)
and Dashehara means - the removal of ten (bad qualities within human minds)
Such as - Kama, Krodh, Lobh, Moh, Mad, Matsar, Swartha, Anyaaya, Ghrinaa, and Hinsa
That is Lust, Anger, Attachment, Greed, Ego, Jealousy, Selfishness, Injustice, Hatred, and Cruelty, respectively.
Raavan is more of a personality - rather than a person - it represents the prominence of the above Doshas or vices within any human mind.
Lord Ram is a symbol of Gyana - that destroys and eliminates the veil of ignorance which is the cause of delusions, misconceptions, and all vices.
We should celebrate our festivals with an understanding of their meaning - and the purpose behind them
- and not just for the sake of fun and entertainment only.
' Rajan Sachdeva '
Very true 🙏🙏