Monday, October 18, 2021

Discussions vs Arguments

Discussions are good -
if the motive is to exchange thoughts -
to share knowledge and to learn new things.

Arguments are simply an exchange of ego -
for the sake of showing off and winning.

Discussions should be encouraged and promoted -
while arguments should be avoided.

Arguments can spoil relationships
and might even create feelings of animosity among friends.


  1. Absolutely true..however arguments have become norm of the day.. let it be any forum including tv debates in india. Healthy discussions not only are discussed in very friendly manner but enrich you with subject knowledge at the end. Arguments as stated are war of words...war to be won at any arguments can be brought down at Discussion level in case one of the party really attempts for it..

  2. If motive is showing off and winning then that qualifies as an argument. What a logical parameter.

    Also - please throw light on scenario where motive can can be good as well however way of sharing information with others may not be good and eventually that leading to hurting the feelings of people.

  3. I love your explanations ����


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