Saturday, October 23, 2021

Farewell to a dear friend - Purshotam Mehta

Two days ago, one of my best friends from college days - an accomplished and well-acclaimed Sitarist - an all-India Radio and TV artist Purshotam Mehta - left this mortal world.

Not only a great artist - he was very gentle and kind, so simple and humble, down-to-earth, and pure at heart - an excellent human being as well.

So many fond memories of our friendship - which started in 1970 in Patiala - are flashing in my mind right now. Learning - Playing Sitar together - him visiting me in Patiala, Chandigarh, and Jammu - and my visits to his home and college in Malerkotla where he taught. Then later, to his in-law's home at Jammu. And as well as spending fun time along with Gurdial Singh ji in Jalandhar - one of the best Sitar makers of North India.
There are so many fabulous memories of a pleasant friendship that continued for more than 50 years.

Once, I called him from a new phone number. 
After the formal hello - I asked - do you recognize me? 
He laughed and said - 
Are yaar - Ham Sur ka hee to kaam kartay hain.
Naad (Sound) is in our ears, hearts, and minds. Sound is our profession. 
Why do you think then that I would not recognize the sound/voice of our own? 

People come into our lives and leave - even friends come and go. 
But there are only a few rare friendships that last a lifetime.

And at the same time, it reminds me of the temporary and transitory nature of this world and its inhabitants.
One day, we are laughing and enjoying life together, and suddenly, another day brings us sadness and a feeling of separation forever.
It makes us feel weak - small and helpless.
It makes us realize that there are no warranties - that no one knows how long the togetherness will last.
It makes us wish that we had spent more time together when it was possible.
It makes us regret the missed possibilities and opportunities we could have availed.
But then it's too late - then it is nothing more than just regret. 

However, although death can take away our loved ones from us, it can not take their love and fond memories from our hearts. 
It can not remove their image from our hearts and minds.

Although we will not be able to see or talk to him anymore, dear Purshotam will always live in our hearts - in the hearts of his family, friends, and loved ones.
                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '


At our home in Chandigarh - 1982

Jammu - 1981

His music on Youtube 


  1. ������आदर से परिपूर्ण समर्पित सम्मानित श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करने के लिए आपका मैं परिवार सहित दिल से ऋणी हुँ������
    Rishbh Mehta

  2. ����There is no more support and strength for me at this time than you have kept a true friendship in your heart with a sincere heart and kept it alive. With this dedicated gesture, I will always keep your sentimental words in my heart till I breathe.��������������
    Rishabh Mehta

  3. नही लभने यार पुराने
    ना ही ओह प्यार है
    नाल खड़न वाले दोस्त अज दे time विच किथे मिलदे हन
    Jasvinder Singh

  4. Sorry for your loss .
    The Dosti- do-hasti - two hasti together makes life very enjoyable and fruitful.
    Om Shanti ��

  5. Our prayers for the family

  6. Naman to your friend and friendship🙏

  7. Naman to your friend and friendship🙏

  8. Naman to your friend and friendship🙏

  9. What a beautiful and fitting tribute you’ve written for your friend Ji! 🙏🏼

  10. Sorry for you loss. My deepest condolences to you and the family. May Nirankar grant strength to family and friends to bear this loss.

  11. Thanks for sharing, sorry for your loss

  12. Heart felt condolences to you dear Rajanji�� Sending my prayers for peace and smooth transition of Shri Purshotamji to the room across��

  13. Naman to your friend and your friendship��

  14. That is so sad to loose an old friend who had been such a big part of your life.
    Yes more and more we realize how ephemeral we all are in this world.
    But his music will live on forever, that's a solace.
    Our deep condolences to you.

  15. Sorry for the loss.
    Beautiful story of his life and your friendship ����������������
    Thank you for sharing with us

  16. Extremely sorry for the loss Rajan Ji! May God bless the whole family to bear this loss.

  17. 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Heartfelt condolences. Beautiful tribute 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  18. Sorry for the loss.
    Beautiful story of his life and your friendship 🙏🙏💐💐🌹🌹🙏🙏


  19. �������� Deep sympathy

  20. Departed in physical form, but not as a great soul.
    Atma - great souls live forever

  21. Heartfelt condolences ji��������

  22. Beautiful obituary. May his soul rest in peace.

  23. Sorry for the loss, may Almighty bless the family

  24. Very sorry to hear the sad loss of your good friend.
    You presented a real heartfelt tribute, but remember that only the fortunate ones get an opportunity to experience such a great and enduring friendship.

  25. So sorry for your loss.
    The music connection is always a heart to heart connection.

  26. It pains a lot to loose a friend like that. My heartfelt condolences for this great soul.
    Your tribute speaks everything about this great pious soul. May Nirankar grant peace to him.

  27. It pains a lot to loose a friend like that. My heartfelt condolences for this great soul.
    Your tribute speaks everything about this great pious soul. May Nirankar grant peace to him.

  28. It pains a lot to loose a friend like that. My heartfelt condolences for this great soul.
    Your tribute speaks everything about this great pious soul. May Nirankar grant peace to him.

  29. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. Yes it hurts and one feels s huge void when someone so close leaves us. Nice warm memories and the time spent together becomes the only source of solace. May God bless you and all his near and dear one with enough strength to bear this loss.

  30. Sad to know about loss of a dear friend. “Om Shant” May God give his family to bear the loss.

  31. Love and friendship both an enduring legacy. Truly blessed ji.

  32. So sad. Please accept my heartfelt condolences at your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you! Om Shanti…..

  33. please accept our condolences uncle ji

  34. Very sad to know about the demise of ur close friend, who is really an asset these days.
    May his soul rest in peace and give strength to all concerned to bear this great loss.
    G. Arora

  35. Sorry to hear the great physical loss but fond memories will stay forever����
    S. Singh

  36. Sorry to hear about your dear friend :( Shraddhanjalis and Param Peace ��

  37. So sad. Please accept my heartfelt condolences at your loss.
    Om Shanti…..


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