Friday, October 15, 2021

What is Moksha

             Mokshasya na hi vaaso-asti na graamantarmeva va
             Agyaan-hriday-granthi naasho Moksha iti smritah

                                                              ' Shiv Geeta '

Moksha is not located in some other Loka; another planet; another plane of existence - nor it belongs to a specific place - a city or village or a house.
The elimination of the veil of Agyaan; ignorance and false knowledge - that clouds the mind - is known as Moksha.
According to authentic old scriptures* - it is a delusion, misconception that we will achieve Moksha after death, that we will be living on a different plane of existence.

In fact, the shedding of ignorance, false concepts, and blind faith by lighting the lamp of Gyana in our hearts and minds, and thus attaining the state of enlightenment, is called Moksha.
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '

* Such as Bhagavad Geeta, Ashtavakra Geeta, Shiv Geeta - Kathopanishad, and Mundak Upanishad, etc

Mokshasya  ----- Moksha's - of Moksha
Na hi  Vaaso-asti     - Location is Not somewhere else
Na  ------ not - nor 
Graamantarmeva va  - another Village, city, place or planet, etc.
Agyaan-Hriday-Granthi   -  The knot of ignorance in heart, mind
Naasho -   Destruction,  elimination
Moksha   -   Liberation
iti smritah -  Is called or known as 

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