Saturday, February 11, 2023

Man kee duniya, Tan kee duniya -- The Worlds of Mind & Body

Phir charaag-e-laala say raushan huye koh-o-daman 
Mujh ko phir nagmon pay uksaanay lagaa murg-e-chaman

Man kee duniya, man kee duniya Soz-o-Masti, Jazb-o-Shauq 
Tan kee duniya, tan kee duniya  Sood-o-Sauda,  Makr-o-fun 

Man kee daulat haath aati hai to phir jaati nahin 
Tan kee daulat chhaanv hai aata hai dhan jaata hai dhan 

Man kee duniya mein na paaya mainay Afrangi ka raaj 
Man kee duniya mein na dekhay mainay Shaikh-o-Brahman

Apnay man mein doob kar paa jaa suraag-e-zindagi 
Tu agar mera nahin bantaa na ban - apnaa to ban 

Paani paani kar gayi mujh ko qalandar kee ye baat 
Tu jhukaa jab gair ke aagay - na man tera na tan 
                                              "Allaama Iqbal "

                English Translation
Mountains and fields all are illuminated with the light of flowers.
The bird in the garden is provoking and stimulating me to write some songs.

The world of mind is a world of mind - full of passion, emotions joy, and delight.
The body's world is the world of the flesh - of profit and wealth - of lies, deceptions, and deceit.

The wealth of mind, once acquired, never leaves you - it remains with you forever.
The wealth of the body is like a shadow - money comes and goes.

In the world of mind, I do not see the rule of the Firangis (Angrez - white British people). 
                      (India was under British rule at the time)  
Nor in the world of the mind, do I find any Sheikh or Brahman (Muslim or Hindu clergy)

Dive deep into your mind and find the true meaning and essence of life. 
If you don't want to be mine, then at least be your own. 

It put me to shame when a qalandar (Faqeer) said that when you bow down in front of others - neither your mind nor your body remains yours anymore. 

Koh-o-Daman = Mountains and Fields
Murg-e-Chaman = Bird in the garden
Soz-o-Masti = Longing, and Carelessness
Jazb-o-Shauq = Emotions and Passion, Eagerness
Sood-o-Sauda = Profit and wealth, Possessions
Makr-o-fun = Art of deception & deceit
Afrangi = Firangi, Angeaz, White British people
Suraag-e-zindagi = Meaning, Essence
Qalandar = Ascetic, Nomad Faqeer, Sanyasi Saadhu


  1. Thanks for the English translating

  2. Beautiful... it is hard to understand Urdu words Thank you for translating so people like me can also understand


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