Wednesday, February 1, 2023

लोग जीने नहीं देते - Log jeenay nahin detay

वैसे दुनिया का मुझे इतना तजुर्बा तो नहीं 
पर सुना है सादगी में लोग जीने नहीं देते 

Vaisay duniya ka mujhay itnaa tajurbaa to nahin
Par sunaa hai saadagi me log jeenay nahin detay 
Although I don't have much experience in the world.
But I have heard that people do not let one live in simplicity and modesty.


  1. Hanji...this world and people in it have become more complex. This body, the universe, thoughts and our environment is complex, even God is complex and so on. Even if one may try to live a simple life, it won't be that simple to accomplish, most likely a bit complicated if one wants to live in this complex society. With that being said, I try my best to keep things as simple as possible for myself.

    As I'm typing this, I realized, should've just folded my hands 🙏🏻 and kept it Simple 😄

    1. Yes, Deep ji--- the body, the universe, the mind - everything is complex. Life itself is complex.
      But we can make it less complex and simpler - at least to some extent. But as you said, it won't be simple to accomplish. As it's in the couplet, people won't let us do it even if we want to.
      I get complaints about my simple dress, food, and lifestyle all the time from family, friends and relatives - why only white Kurta pajamas - why not add some color to life - what is in the simplicity? Why a simple lifestyle? Why not enjoy life...... etc. etc. People have different ideas about enjoying life, and everyone wants to convince others that their way of living or lifestyle is better.
      It may not be so hard to be simple, but people make it harder for you..... Kya karen - Log jeenay nahin detay

    2. Absolutely love this topic of discussion .

  2. Trying for something like unachievable(leading austere life) calls for unbreakable & passionate determination like an iron.....

    1. Absolutely -- But sometimes, we end up giving up our ideology because of the pressures from family and others.
      It may be considered a weakness but sometimes it's better to keep the peace than your determination. 😊🙏

  3. Absolutely right ji .🙏

  4. True mahapurso ji💐🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...