Saturday, February 25, 2023

Everything in the world is a traveler - Har shay Musaafir har cheez Raahi

Har shay musaafir har cheez raahi 
Kya chaand taaray kya murg-o-maahi 

Kuchh qadr apni tu nay na jaani 
Ye be-Sawaadi ye kam-nigaahi 

Duniya-e-doon kee kab tak gulaami? 
Ya raahebee kar - ya paadshaahi 

Peer-e-haram ko dekha hai main nay 
Kirdaar-e-be-soz - guftaar waahi 
                         " Allama Iqbal " 

Murg-o- Maahee = Birds and Fish
Be-Sawaadi         = Tastelessness 
Kam-Nigaahi        =   Short-sightedness
Duniya-e-doon = Lower world
Rahebee = Way to Salvation
Paadshahi = Kingdom
Peer-e-haram = Holy man of Mecca, Peer Faqeer, Holy men, Dharm Guru, etc.
Kiradaar-e-be-Soz = Insipid - inexperienced character
Guftaar     =  Speech, discourse, conversation
Waahi = Inept, Meaningless, Broken 

                              Gist or Essence

Everything in the world is a traveler - Everything is moving.
Moon and stars - All animals living on land and in water -
Everyone is a traveler - they keep on moving - they keep on coming and going.

Man does not know his worth - he does not understand the value and significance of human birth.
Engrossed in the taste of the perishable world and is shortsighted - does not act with foresight.
He does not see that one day, he has to leave everything here and exit this world.

After all, how long will you continue to be a slave of this lower-perishable world?
Either do the means of attaining salvation or conquer the world - that is, do not remain a slave of Maya.

I have closely observed the great peers-faqeers - sages, saints, and religious leaders. 
They do not have any experience themselves. 
There is nothing worth emulating in their life - no humility and sacrifice.
And their sermons are also not convincing. 
Because words are only influential when the speakers have their own character - 
when their speech matches their actions and experiences.


  1. “Jo aya so chal see sub key ayee baaria”
    Thanks for sharing wonderful thoughts on the subject 🌹🌹🌹

  2. Thanks Ji.
    We must try our best to walk the talk before we talk the talk.
    - Ram Nagrani 🙏🏼

  3. what lies inside us is greater than what lies ahead. Best to remain committed to improving on getting better daily. This is exactly what peers seem to forget

  4. It’s very true Jì.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...