Sunday, February 26, 2023

Chhoti Baat Badan kee - Small things done by Big people

              Chhotee baat badan kee - badee badaayee hoye
              Jyon Raheem Hanumant ko Giridhar kahay na koy

If a rich and influential person says even a modest - simple, ordinary thing - or does a small work -  he is highly praised, honored, and admired. 
On the other hand, even the most significant and sumptuous talks and works of an ordinary person get ignored - no one even talks about them. He is hardly noticed by anyone. 
For example, Hanuman carried and brought a large mountain in his hand to save Laxman - but he is not acknowledged or praised as Giridhar.
No one calls him Giridhar. 
Whereas Lord Krishna is celebrated, glorified, and cherished as Giridhar worldwide. 

In this small Doha (couplet) -Abdul Rahim has, so elegantly, brought up a deep but bitter truth. 
He says that no matter how profound a speech an ordinary person gives or how valuable, significant, and outstanding work he does, nobody pays much attention to it - nor does he get any respect and admiration for it. 
But on the other hand, an average speech or a small, modest-ordinary work done by a famous and respected person is considered very significant and praise-worthy. Immediately people start talking about it with great reverence and love. 
It is often noticed that instead of what is said or done, people pay more attention to who said it or who has done it. 
When something is said by a renowned person with a high degree of influence, fame, and prestige, we immediately become fascinated and overwhelmed. 
But, if the same thing comes out of the mouth of an average ordinary person, we do not regard it as significant or important. 
We immediately start judging it and may even criticize them for saying it. 
The same - exact words spoken by different people have different effects on the listeners.
It all depends upon the status of the speaker.
Right or wrong - - -
       This is how the world works. This is how life is. 
                 Bitter but True.


  1. Views by a brahm gyani like you ?? Please rethink Rev. Rajan ji. It is saints like you who say.. poore ka kiya sab kichh poora ..,we might not be able to comprehend the entire and total truth behind what’s happening.. but the judgment of the almighty is beyond judgement., that’s my humble opinion .. of course ! That does not take away our right to use our Gyana and Viveka , but with the bottom line of the assurance .. that we are being observed, protected and nurtured by a higher intelligence 🙏🏼😊❤️

    1. First of all - I have never claimed to be a Brahmgyani.
      Honestly speaking - I am far away and have a long way to reach the stage of a Brahmgyani, as described in the Bhagavad Geeta and Sukhmani  Sahib.
      Secondly - this blog was not about the Brahm Gyanis or any particular person - nor any specific group of people, society, organization, or the mission. I saw a point in what Raheem said - liked it and added some points that we usually see in the outer world around us.
      You said > "we might not be able to comprehend the entire and total truth behind what’s happening.. but the judgment of the almighty is beyond judgement">
      I agree - it's true that we can never comprehend the Entire Truth -
      However, this blog was not about the judgment of the Almighty. I did not say anything about God's judgment or His ways -- It's not doubting the ways of Nirankar in any way or the Almighty God being Poora or not Poora.
      It is a general observation of the people around us - including myself - not about God. 
      Anyway - I am sorry if it conveyed a wrong message to you
      and my apologies if somehow it offended you or anyone else. 

  2. What’s even chhota - bada in an existence of One . .. it’s not easy to understand, experience and accept though 🙏🏼

    1. You are right -
      There is indeed no Chhota-Bada in the existence of One.
      But practically, we live in a dualistic world - where everything is in pairs or opposites.
      We constantly see discrepancies - distinctions and prejudice around us in the materialistic world.

      With due respect - This blog was not about realms of Spirituality - Nor about those who truly follow the real feelings of Oneness.
      It's about what generally happens in the world - in society - and in ordinary, mundane minds.
      Thanks for your kind input - and please do share your thoughts and wisdom in the future as well.
      Regards 🙏🙏

  3. This is bitter truth

  4. It is realty - it is human nature to give respect to the status. We are told to learn from what is being said instead of Who ! But we pay attention to WHO !! 🙏

  5. 🙏Very true ji.🙏

  6. is a fact Rajan ji. We all know it, we observe it and have experienced it many times. Three things I'd like to point out:

    1) There are weighted consequences of what the Rich (powerful, famous, etc) people say, both in a positive and negative way. Hence, we* should be alot more carefully than ordinary people when making comments and taking action.

    2) I believe, because of social media and other reasons this trend maybe starting to fade away, at least in the western and modern cultures. Just an observation I've made in the past several years.

    3) Those of us* in the upper-status group are generally known as influencers and idolized by many because of our* accomplishments and achievements. Well, you know the rest of the story.

    Thank you for sharing 🌹🙏🏻

  7. 100 percent agree with you Rajan Ji. This is a fact. Brahm Gyani or not, this is the reality I the real world and the Mission. Only the Satguru is beyond this. We all have to try harder to learn.

  8. Absolute truth…thanks Rajanji for explaining and bringing it here…may the vision spread to many and may we treat all as equal🙏🏻


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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