Thursday, February 9, 2023

Tera Saaiin Tujh mein Basay - The Lord resides in you

Jyon til maahin tail hai jyon chakmak mahin aag 
Tera Saaiin tujh mein basay - jaag sakay tau jaag 
                             " Satguru Kabeer ji "

Just as there is oil present in the sesame seeds
Just as the spark of fire is hidden in a magnet
Similarly, the Saayin or Master's abode is also within you 
The Lord Master resides within you
You are a part of Almighty God.
Wake up if you can and realize this truth.

And He resides in everyone else as well -
      Sakal vanaspati mein baisantar sakal doodh mein gheea
     Taisay hee rav raheyo nirantar ghat ghat Maadho jeea

Just like there is fire hidden in all the trees and plants, in all the woods - which becomes manifest by the slightest spark.
Butter or ghee is present in milk and becomes visible when the milk is churned.
Similarly, Hari Paramatma is also living within everyone -  not only in one but in each and everyone - inside every living being.
                   Hari vyaapak sarvatra samaana
                  Prem tay pragat hohin main jaana

                                                     (Sant Tulsidas)
Although, Hari, the Almighty God is all-pervading - everywhere and within everyone, He appears only through love.
As a spark is needed to ignite the fire in wood -
Like milk has to be churned to make butter
Similarly, love is required to see and feel the presence of the Lord.
Through faith, love, devotion, and Gyana, the form of God becomes clearly visible not only within oneself but also in every human being.
                              "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Very deep spiritual and inspiring sabhad to imbibe our lives 🌹🌹

  2. Very deep spiritual and inspiring sabhad to imbibe our lives 🌹🌹

  3. So clear and insightful …


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...