Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Champa flowers and the Bees

                  Champa - Tujh mein teen gun - Roop, Rang aur Baas
                  Avgun keval ek hai - Bhramar na aavai paas

The Champa flower has all three qualities – beautiful color, lovely form, and fragrance.
But there is one demerit - bumblebees never sit on it - do not come near it.

Why so?
Champa flowers do not have pollen - therefore, bees never visit or sit on them.
The flies, who want to enjoy only the beauty, color, and fragrance - often roam around the flowers of Champa. 
But the bees - who want to take the sap and convert it into honey - never come near the Champa flowers.

Gist or Essence:
Countless ordinary people often congregate - gather around wealthy, handsome, beautiful, famous, and influential personalities. 
But the educated and learned people are not impressed or influenced by their external appearances only.
If the leaders or Pracharaks are influential speakers, a large crowd gathers around them. 
Seeing the crowds - without thinking - countless other people also join them.
But the learned people - the Sadhaks - the true seekers - who want to understand and apprehend the deep knowledge - do not come to them.
They do not want just simple dogmas, rituals, or routines. 
They want to go deeper - to imbibe the essence of the true ideology and work on it to achieve their goal - to reach their destination.
They don't simply want to follow the crowds.

Satguru Kabir ji has also said:
                 Jehan maarg pandit gaye - paachhay gayi baheer 
                Aughat ghaati Ram ki, tehan chadh raheyo Kabeer
Without thinking or analyzing - the masses start following the path shown by the Pandits - the learned - smart, bright, and graceful leaders. The crowds of innumerable people keep following them everywhere they go.

Kabeer ji says: but the path to Ram - to Almighty - to achieve Moksha is difficult and strenuous.
It's like climbing a high mountain - 
and he has chosen to climb that hill. 

Because the wise follow the Truth - not the crowds.
               "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. There are many who would entice us with their looks, personalities, or words. But the Teacher who not only reveals the Truth but also guides us to better understand and lead an enlightened life is rare. Fortunate are those who choose to follow that Teacher. Even those followers deserve our respect. 🙏🏼

  2. Sometimes the knowledge touches your heart and brain both 😍🙏😍🙏👏👏

  3. Beautiful analogy !
    Yash Pal


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...