Friday, February 17, 2023

Maintaining a Balance and Harmony

Everything in nature tries to maintain its natural state and balance.
Water always maintains its level.
If left alone, boiling water will slowly come to its natural state of coolness. 
Even the great forest fire burns itself out and cools down eventually.
Wind rushes to fill the low-pressure areas to maintain a balance. 
The turbulent sea also calms down after a while and the big and terrible waves gradually start flowing peacefully.
All natural events balance themselves out.
It may take time, but nature always keeps a balance.
Small events tend to balance out quickly, while larger and more significant events may take days or months - years or even centuries - to return to their original state.
But they can not continue in the same way forever. 
No matter how extreme a situation is, eventually, it will change. 

The cycle of construction, destruction, and re-construction is a continual process in nature 
and this process - this cycle, always keeps on repeating itself.
Similarly, life is also a continual process between balance and off-balance. 
This process is what keeps life moving and flowing like a river. 
Without this process, life will become static - stationary, dormant, and inactive.

The wise and Gyanis know and understand this process of nature and life very well.
They know that everything in the world and every event in life is temporary. 
They know that no situation remains the same forever.
That is why they can remain calm even in unexpected events and extreme situations and circumstances. 
They know that it is bound to change eventually. 
So they do not get upset, bitter, or resentful. 
They may try to change whatever is within their power and capability.
But if the situation is beyond their control, they will patiently wait for things to change on their own and let nature or heaven take its course.
But nevertheless, they will try to maintain balance and harmony in their mind.


  1. Time is a big Healer and also have to have patience !

  2. Wise people and saints understand real meaning of balancing and harmony 🌹🌹

  3. Patience is key with acceptance and Thankful ness


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...