Saturday, May 28, 2022

Par-updesh kushal bahuteray - It's Easier to Preach than Act

                              Par-Updesh Kushal Bahuteray
                             Acharahin Tay Nar Na Ghaneray
                                                    "Goswami Tulsidas"

Goswami Tulsidas ji says that there are so many who preach to others.
But those who practice what they say are not many.
In other words - there are very few such people who practice and act as they preach to others.
It is often seen that what preachers tell others to do, they do not do themselves.
Because it's easier said than done. 
It is easy to say and give lectures - anyone can do it.

Especially a good speaker who has self-confidence and has a practice of speaking in public - 
who can use adequate and elegant language by choosing beautiful, appropriate words - 
can easily give a talk on any given topic efficiently. 
Such people can impress the audience with their speech in a matter of minutes. 
It's not hard for them.

A famous motivational speaker was speaking in a seminar. 
The topic was -
"Tea is injurious to health - Disadvantages of drinking tea."

He gave an impressive speech for an hour on the topic - very elegantly and enthusiastically.

After the speech, he came down from the stage and called one of the hosts and said -
"Quickly send a cup of hot tea to my room, please.
I am so tired - and I have to go to another place to give another lecture now.

The host said - 
"But Sir - just a few minutes ago - you convinced and forbade everyone from drinking tea with such strong words. 
You just showed us the disadvantages of drinking tea - and now you.........."

The motivational speaker laughed and said -
"my dear - I was simply invited here to speak on this subject.
 I spoke on the topic on which I was asked to speak.
But does that mean that I should also stop drinking tea myself?"
It is not difficult to preach and give lectures to others.
But it is difficult to accept - to believe and implement those teachings themselves. 
That is why there are so many preachers these days -
But those who follow are rarely found.

Tulsi Das ji had rightly said that -
         "Par-Updesh Kushal Bahuteray
           Acharahin Tay Nar Na Ghaneray"
                                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Thank you Rajan Ji for keeping us enlightened and motivated with beautiful lines and thoughts: Narendra Garg

  2. Agree with you 🙏🌹


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...