Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Memory Full ?

I wanted to record some music on my iPhone 
But it said 'Memory full'. 

I was advised to delete some old, not-so-useful material to make some memory available for the new or more important stuff. 
Needless to say that I followed the advice - deleted some unimportant pics and videos and made some memory available to save what I wanted to.

However, it made me realize later that our minds are also full of countless old memories. 
Some are useful, and some are useless.
We have stored so much useless information in our brains and minds that we cannot accept any new ideas and concepts.

Moreover, I started getting another message that my iCloud was full.
Apparently, it was storing everything from my phone - regardless of whether I wanted it to be saved or not. 

Similarly, whether we want it to be saved or not - our subconscious mind also stores everything - every event and incident we ever encounter. Therefore, piles and piles of unwanted memories - concepts, and dogmas gradually get saved and imprinted on our subconscious minds. 
Sometimes, the clutters of such useless memories and concepts can cloud our judgments and even become hindrances in our progress.
The times have changed and are changing rapidly. 
We need to 'unlearn' and delete whatever is of no use to us anymore. 
Only then new ideas and more beneficial thoughts can be learned and accumulated that might help us grow and improve in any field - professional or spiritual.
                                       'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Hanji rightly said. Additionally, you have to pay extra for "Cloud" storage...lol. Topic worth an elaborate discussion 🌹🙏

    1. Thanks for your input --- Unfortunately there is no way to pay extra in the materialistic sense and get control over the subconscious mind - it can only be controlled by practicing and doing Sumiran - which should be explored further as you said

  2. If someone wants to have fresh coffee or tea then he has to empty his cup .otherwise he cannot enjoy fresh things.
    Thanks uncle ji

  3. This message should be spread like anything
    Demand of time

  4. Unlearning is absolutely critical for new learning and for personal growth. Thanks you Rajan ji for a very important reminder.
    Sanjeev Khullar

  5. Dhan Nirankar Ji
    Memory full! Very correct. No doubt that learning in life is a difficult task, but unlearning something useless is more difficult. But possible if we wish to do so and lighten ourselves from a lot of burden. Regards ji.

  6. We delete unwanted pictures video from the Phone but to delete useless thoughts and memories from mind are hard.This can be done by your blessings.🌹❤️

  7. यही तो बात है की फालतु की चीजे साथ लिये घूम रहा हूँ. जो मन विचलित करती है और परेछन भी.

  8. And I realized longtime back that my brain can have only certain gigabytes and I must delete some to add some new ones

  9. Very nice analogy. Great lesson Thank you Ji🙏


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