Thursday, May 26, 2022

An Airplane of 1930

                              Inside of an airplane - 1930

Apparently, we have come a long way since 1930 in improving the speed and comforts of air travel.
As the times change, we want to adopt new ideas - new views to improve our lifestyle. 

But, when it comes to religion, some people want to stick to the centuries-old views and dogmas. 
They want to stick to the social rules that were written a thousand or two thousand years ago. 
Perhaps that was the need of the time - appropriate for that time.
But as time changes, so do the norms of society. 
Our world is not confined to small villages or towns anymore. 
We have become a global society now - where we have to live and deal with people from all walks of life. 

No one says we can not change the structure or technology of the airplane designed by its original inventors. 
But we refuse to change the social rules written a long time ago in some religious books that may not apply or fit in today's world. 
If someone still wants to stick to the old dogmas, it's their choice. 
But at the same time, they should also accept how others want to live their life. 
They should not enforce their own views upon others. 
If I do not want to ride in a new airplane, it's my choice - 
But do I have a right to force everyone to still ride in a 1930 airplane?
                      ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Always Awesome!

  2. 🙏Absolutely right ji.🙏

  3. Love the analogy! Beautiful thought and comparison 👏🙏

  4. Wow - very profound connection 🙏

  5. Er. Suhhas Patil, MumbaiMay 26, 2022 at 12:15 PM

    बिल्कुल सही साहेब 🙏🏻 ❤️ 🌿

  6. Er. Suhhas Patil, MumbaiMay 26, 2022 at 12:16 PM

    वैसे आपका साथ हो तो हम 1930 के भी Plane में बैठ जाएँ 😜😜😜

    1. धन्यवाद सुहास जी - पर 1930 के प्लेन का अब क्या भरोसा उड़े या न उड़े
      आप नए plane में ही साथ बैठिए 😊😇🙏🙏

  7. This is the dilemma of some society

  8. Absolutely True. Keep Guiding us Ji.🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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