Sunday, October 24, 2021

In two situations - Everything becomes valuable

Do hee soorton may hoti hai qadar har cheez ki
Ik uskay milnay say pehlay - ik uskay khonay kay baad

Sevaa Buzurgon ki un kay jeetay jee kar lo 'Rajan'
Warna pachhtaogay un ki aankh band honay kay baad

Everything becomes more valuable in two situations.
First, before getting it -
And second, after losing it.
In between, we usually do not appreciate and realize the value of what we have.

Respect - love, help and serve the elders while they are alive.
Once their eyes are closed - when they are gone -
only regret and sorrow will remain with us for the rest of our lives.
A Regret - that we could have and should have done this and that for them - 
But then, it would be too late. 
                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. The wise are those who appreciate what is in the present. Nirankars blessings we realize that and are blessed by our elders while they are around. Once they have left we have the love they gave us

  2. We know it - but still ignore

  3. I love how you described two situations��

  4. Very true .. thanks for the reminder ji. ❤


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