Friday, October 1, 2021

Every Karma is carried out in four steps

Every Karma or action  is carried out in four steps:
Namely - Ichha, Sankalpa, Vikalpa, and Kriya 
Meaning - 
Desire, determination, planning the process (means & methods), and finally - the actual action.

For example, while reading a book, I had a desire to have a cup of tea.
But the next moment I thought - Nah..... maybe later.
And that was the end of it.
The Ichha or desire did not go to the next step and never turned into a real Action.

In the second scenario:

1. Ichha (Desire) ....... To have a cup of tea.
2. Sankalpa (Determination) - Yes, I definitely want some tea.

3. If the first step - the desire turns into determination, then the next step would be:
    Vikalpa (Planning/method) ...... how to get it.

There could be many different ways to achieve this goal.
  • I could go to the kitchen and make it.
  • Ask someone else to make it for me.
  • Go out and get it from a shop. 
  • or it might be possible to order it over the phone and have it delivered to me.
So the actual action does not depend only on Ichha or desire.
It actually depends on Sankalpa and may vary according to the Vikalpa.

We may not have much control over thoughts or desires, but we can control the Sankalpa - the determination.
By consciously watching our thoughts and desires, we can choose which ones to turn or not to turn into action.

Now, the desires that we do want to turn into action - such as changing and improving our life - or achieving our spiritual goals can not happen by simply desiring or asking for it. 
The desire has to first turn into determination - and then we need to find the right & appropriate process - and work on it. 
                                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Thanks for sharing such wonderful thoughts on karma

  2. ����very well explained

  3. Uncle Ji excellent points. In your estimation how much free will do we have and how much of our Karma is already pre determined...Our Holy Scriptures seem to lean toward not much being in our Hands with a little choice we have...what is yout opinion?

  4. Very well explained Bhaisahib ji
    People need that clarity step by step as you explained
    Thx a million Bhaisahib ji


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