Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Faith versus Blind Faith


The Satguru, who has given me the Gyan, will also guide me through my spiritual journey 

-- Will show me the path of righteousness and teach me how to attain piety

-- Will prompt me to accomplish the virtues of honesty, truth, love, compassion, and kindness 

-- And finally, He will help me reach the destination - to achieve the Moksha.

                                                    Blind Faith: 

The Satguru has given me the Gyan, Now there is no path to travel - no journey to be taken

-- He will do everything for me  

-- Will provide me with everything I need - without me having to do anything 

--  Will absolve, discharge all my wrongdoings - including arrogance, ego, hypocrisy, and jealousy etc. 

-- Will take me to the destination directly and grant me the Moksha - without any effort on my part.

                                           'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Once again such a wise post and so much to learn from.

    From my experience going to Satsangs and Spiritual gatherings of different faith groups, I feel this is a paradox or Gorakhdhanda of the Holy Saints and Scriptures.

    On one hand they say surrender everything and the Guru or God has taken care of everything...but on the other hand they say you reap what you sow and its up to you.

    From my understanding, as Spirituality is individual and there are maybe a case that when the Gurus or Saints were in Sumiran and Deep connection with God..they realised they are not the body and are God that stage surrender happens automatically and feeling of bliss.

    However, as you are progressing to that level you are still aware of yourself as a body, hence you have to be in awareness of your actions.

    In the end, Nirankar or God is a living impartial source of the Universe it just depends how we use this source of energy.

    1. Thank you David ji for your comments. If we don't understand then everything is a gorakh-dhadha - if we know then it's not. It all depends upon the level of our knowledge and understanding.
      'Surrender' has different meanings according to the situation and circumstances.
      Gyan and Karma are like two wings of a bird - it cannot fly with one wing only. Similarly, Gyan and action - Both are required to achieve anything.

    2. Thank you Rajan Ji very true.

      My understanding is that the difference in a Gyani or not is that a Gyani automatically does good or sattvic actions...while someone who hasnt reached that level of constant awareness has to try very hard. The practice and or constant awareness of Nirankar is hard to practice but when you do it, you are automatically in a state of goodness.

      I think Lord Krishna Ji has a salok in the Srimad Bhagvat Gita ji in this regard.

  2. Thank you Rajan ji.

    Here below is Lord Vashistha's discourse to Lord Rama in regards to action (effort) vs knowledge and Guru's/God's grace vs self effort.

    "If it is true that the Guru can spiritually uplift one without the need for self-effort, then why does a Guru not so uplift a camel or a bull. No, nothing whatsoever is gained with the help of God or Guru or wealth or other means, but only by self-effort at a complete mastery of the mind.
    Even if one worships Vishnu (Guru/God) for a long time with great devotion, he does not bestow enlightenment on one who is not wise with self-knowledge. Thus, the foremost means for self-knowledge is self-enquiry; grace and other such factors are secondary means. Hence, attain mastery over the senses and by whole-souled spiritual practice lead the mind along the path of self-enquiry. Resort to self-effort and cross the ocean of world-appearance and reach the other shore!"

    Yoga Vashistha Chapter V: 43

    Guru can show you the way, but the disciple himself must embark the journey

    1. Thank you Mr. or Miss Anonymous for sharing your wisdom through these valuable quotes from the Yoga-Vashshta - which has been the teachings of all other ancient Holy Scriptures of India as well. Like in any other field, Spiritual Guru is a personal guide in one's life to complete his/her spiritual journey and to achieve the destination. But one has to walk his own path..... no one else can walk it for us. Thanks again and I wish you had mentioned your name at least - if not your contact info.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...