Thursday, December 6, 2018

A Comment on "Faith versus Blind Faith"

An invaluable comment received from an anonymous reader on -"Faith versus Blind Faith" - with quotes from Yoga Vashistha - a dialogue between Lord Ram and his Guru, Vasishtha Muni.
Here below is Lord Vashistha's discourse to Lord Rama in regards to action (effort) vs knowledge and Guru's/God's grace vs self-effort.
"If it is true that the Guru can spiritually uplift one without the need for self-effort, then why does a Guru not so uplift a camel or a bull?
No, nothing whatsoever is gained with the help of God or Guru or wealth or other means, but only by self-effort at a complete mastery of the mind.
Even if one worships Vishnu (Guru/God) for a long time with great devotion, he does not bestow enlightenment on one who is not wise with self-knowledge. Thus, the foremost means for self-knowledge is self-inquiry - grace and other such factors are secondary means. Hence, attain mastery over the senses and by whole-souled spiritual practice lead the mind along the path of self-inquiry. Resort to self-effort and cross the ocean of world-appearance and reach the other shore!"

                      Yoga Vashistha Chapter V: 43

1 comment:

  1. What does whole souled spiritual practice mean ? Is that Sumiran ? What is Self Inquiry is that being in awareness ?


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...