Friday, December 7, 2018

Form or Formless

Since the ancient times, worship of the One formless,  Almighty, All-pervading God - who is beyond attributes - has prevailed in India.
It is incorrect to think that the religious philosophies of India are - and have always been followers of multiple Gods and idol worshipers. Because of the ignorance, this misconception is particularly prevalent about Hinduism.  
All the ancient Hindu Holy Scriptures like Upanishad - Kathopanishad, Mundakopanishad, Chhandogya, Vrihadaranyaik, and Ishavasya etc. - Bhagavad Gita, Ashtavakra Gita, Ribhu Geeta, Yogavashitha and many other sacred texts have always given the message to worship the One formless, beyond attribute, Almighty All-pervading Supreme Lord.
                            "Ekah Brahm - dviteeya naasti " (Vedas )
Meaning - There is no other, but only One Almighty Supreme Lord.

                       Namaami- Eeshaana Nirvana-Ruupam 
                       Vibhum Vyaapakam Brahma-Veda-Svarupam 
                       Nijam Nirgunam Nirvikalpam Niriiham
                       Chidaakaasham-Aakaasha-Vaasam Bhaje-aham 
"I Salute the Lord Ishana - whose Form represents the state of the highest Nirvana (extinction of all desires and passions leading to the highest bliss),
Who Manifests taking form though, in essence, He is All-Pervading Brahm- as illustrated in the core of the Vedas.
Who remain absorbed in His Own Self which is beyond the three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas) -
Who is Beyond any Vikalpas (Change and Manifoldness), and which is Free from any Movement (due to desires etc)
Who is like the sky (infinite, immeasurable space) and abides in the Sky or space of the Chidaakasha (Spiritual Sky of the Chitta, the Consciousness)
I Worship that Ishana - the formless Lord.
The same message later appears in Guru Granth Sahib:
                   Roop na raykh na rang kichh, tarihu gun tay prabh bhinn .
                   Tiseh bujhaa-ay naankaa jis hovai suprasan .
                                                        (Gauree Sukhamani 122)
He has no form, no shape, no color; God is beyond the three qualities.
They alone understand Him, O Nanak, with whom, he is pleased.
                         "Eko Simro Nanka jo jal thal reha samaaye
                          Dooja kaahay simriyae jo jammay te mar jaaye"
O' Nanak, worship the One immortal who is omnipresent, all-pervading - is present in every fragment of water and soil. Why worship the other (mortal) who takes birth and dies.

Likewise, Nirankari Mission is also conveying the message of oneness, and the worship of one formless, Almighty Lord who is  beyond attributes:
                  “Roop rang te rekhon nyaaray - Tenu lakh pranaam karaan"
“O’ Thou, beyond form, color and lineament, I bow unto Thee a million times”
                  "Ikko Noor dee upaj hai saari - ik da sagal pasaara hai"
The whole universe is the creation of the One, and the entire manifestation of the One”
                        "Aise ik chon banay anekaan "
He is the one who manifests as many and all emanate from the One
                      "Ikko ik dee Khel hai Saari - ik da sakal pasaara hai "
The whole universe is the creation of the One - the entire universe is a manifestation of the One”   
                                                                            - Avatar Bani –

Seeing God in Nature - and Nature in God - 
Seeing unity in diversity and diversity in unity ultimately leads to the establishment of Oneness.
                                              'Rajan Sachdeva'

1 comment:

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...