Friday, December 28, 2018

Divine Truth is uniform and universal

Divine Truth is uniform and universal - And it can not be defined with words. 
Though, from time to time, Saints and scholars have tried to explain it in many different languages - in their own way, and according to their own perception. Therefore, the details may vary according to their perceptions.
The writers of the Vedas however, understood this fact very well. 
So, they declared:
                             Ekah Satya - Bahudhaa vadanti Viprah
Meaning there is only One Divine,  ultimate universal Truth which is interpreted in many different ways by the wise Sages and scholars. 
However, many people, especially the westerners have ignorantly translated 'many different perceptions' of one Almighty God as 'many different Gods'. They wrongfully presumed that Hindus believe not one but in many different Gods. Muslims and Christians believe their God is different from the God of Hindus and Sikhs. They believe their God is superior to all other Gods. Because they have never read the Bhagavad Geeta or the other Hindu Scriptures such as Upanishads, Yoga Vashishta or Ashtavakra Geeta etc. - such type of ignorance and misunderstandings are generated. Even many Sikhs now ignorantly believe that their God is different from God of Hindus. The lack of proper knowledge creates misunderstandings and animosity among the followers of different religions. 
So, the first and the foremost thing to resolve these issues is the Gyana - the proper knowledge. The knowledge - not only of the Scriptures - but the knowledge - the Gyana attained in the company of the Gyaanis - the knowers of the Truth. 
However, Truth is much more than just the knowledge. 
It's experienced - not learned. 
But the learning comes first. 
First, learn - attain the Gyana - the proper knowledge.
Then try to experience the Divine Truth with proper practice.
                                                                 'Rajan Sachdeva'



Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...