Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sab ke dil mein ho malaal - ye zaroori to nahin

Har ek man mein ho sawaal - ye zaroori to nahin 
Sab ke dil mein ho malaal - ye zaroori to nahin 

Dhoondanay say mil jaata hai mushkilon ka koyi hal 
Zindgee ho jaye bavaal - ye zaroori to nahin 

Dhoop chhaanv to qudrat ka ek khel hai pyaaray 
Dhoop chhaanv banay janjaal - ye zaroori to nahin 

Kabhi bikhray sanvar jayen, kabhi mil kay bichhad jayen 
Na hoga hijar pase-visaal - ye zaroori to nahin 

Sabhi mein gun hee dekhnaa kamaal-e-qalb hai 'Rajan'
Sabhee mein ho aisa kamaal - ye zaroori to nahin 

                              'Rajan sachdeva '

Malaal                        -     Grief, Anguish, Remorse                 
Hijar pase-visaal     -     Separation after Union 
Kamaale-qalb          -     Quality of the mind

Some friends told me that everyone, especially the youth are having doubts and questions in their mind -
some are even going through grief, anguish, and remorse.
My answer: Although some may - not everyone has doubts and questions.
Not everyone feels grief or anguish.
Life is a combination of pain and pleasures - favorable and unfavorable situations.
Life is how we see it and what we make of it. 

1 comment:

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...