Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Dil hai ki phir bhee gilaa kartaa rahaa

Zindagi mein sub kuchh to miltaa rahaa
Dil hai ki phir bhee gilaa kartaa rahaa

Birvaa meray aangan ka murjhaa gayaa 
Sehara mein ik phool magar khiltaa rahaa 

Baatin-o-Zaahir na yaksaan ho sakay 
Kasham-kash ka silsilaa chaltaa rahaa

Auron ko detaa rahaa  naseehatain 
Aashiyaan apnaa magar jaltaa rahaa 

Maazee ka rehtaa nahin us ko malaal 
Vaqt kay saanchay mein  jo dhaltaa  rahaa 

Paa sakaa na vo kabhee 'Rajan' sakoon 
Jo hasad kee aag mein jaltaa rahaa

         ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Birvaa                              Tree
Sehraa                             Desert
Baatin-o-Zaahir            Hidden & Obvious, Inside & out, Thoughts & Actions
Yaksaan                          The Same - As one
Maazee                            Past 
Malaal                             Regret 
Hasad                              Jealousy

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Rajan ji!!
    "Zindagi mein sub kuchh to miltaa rahaa
    Dil hai ki phir bhee gilaa kartaa rahaa"

    We always complaint for materialistic things which we do not have/get. But one has stop and look back and see what they got an achieved and thank almighty Nirankar.. as we are so fortunate for what we have both Spiritually and Materialistically...

    This also reminds me these lines from one of Chitra Singh's ghazal..

    Duniya Jisse Kahten hain Jadu ka Khillona hai.. Mil Jayee to Mitti Hai.. Khoo Jaye to Sonna Hai..


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...