Saturday, September 5, 2015

Happy Janamashtami and Teacher's day

Today is ‘Janamaashtami’ and ‘Teacher’s day’, both together on the same day. What a great coincidence.

Janamaashtami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna, who is considered, not only an incarnation but ‘The Jagat Guru’ as well. The ‘Bhagavad Gita, compiled on his teachings, is one of the greatest and most read book on Dharma in the world, which influenced and shaped all later ‘religions’ and Dharma of India including Buddhism, Sikhism and their numerous branches as well as Indian Sufism.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan’s birthday is designated as Teacher’s day and is a holiday in India.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (September 5, 1888- April 17, 1975), first Vice-president and then the President of India from 1962 to 1967, was one of the greatest scholars of Indian and Western philosophies in recent times. He wrote several volumes on Indian philosophies and Vedanta, including commentaries on Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Brahm Sutras. 
Rightly, the Indian government honored him by declaring a holiday on his birthday as ‘Teacher’s day’.

Incidentally, today is ‘two in one’; Teacher’s day, the day of Nation’s Teacher and Janamashtami, the day of the Jagat Guru, the ‘world teacher’.

Millions of people all over the world acknowledge and honor this day by celebrating it many different ways. However, the greatest celebration and tribute to them would be to learn, understand and adopt their teachings in our lives.

                    Tathaastu (may so be it), Amen 

Note: The day of Janamashtami is set according to the Indian lunar calendar, (the eighth day of Krishna Paksha of the month of Shraavan) so its date, according to the western and solar calendar changes every year, while ‘Teacher’s day’ is always in accordance with western calendar, September 5th.
This year, they both happen to fall on the same day.

 ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Happy Teacher's Day .... GURU Ji !!

  2. Regards on Teacher's day to you
    Billa Sachdeva


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