Tuesday, September 22, 2015

‘Jaisa Ann -Taisa Man’ / Food vs Thoughts

There is a famous saying among the believers of Indian religions that goes: “Jaisa Aahaar - vaise Vichaar”, commonly translated as “what you eat, makes up your thoughts”.

This is apparently one of the major reasons of placing restrictions for consumption of certain types of foods or drinks.

However, the real meaning of this phrase is slightly different.

In the Sanskrit language,  ​Aahaar means 'intake'. ​Whatever we intake with our 5 senses (vision, sound, taste, smell and touch) is called Aahaar.

In every language, the original meanings of some words change over the period of time.  The meaning of Aahaar also got consolidated only to the intake by mouth; that is food or drink.

The original Sanskrit phrase is “Yathaa Aahaar- Tathaa Vichaar”.

Its Hindi version, “Jaisa Aahaar - taisa Vichaar” is common in central India.
However, in northern India, Punjab, Haryana and J&K, since the regional languages are influenced by both, Sanskrit and Persian, this phrase was replaced by “Jaisa Ann – Taisa Man”.

Popular meaning: as is the (intake of) food, so is the Mind.

Notice how the meaning of the word ‘Ann’ has changed here?

‘Ann’ actually means grains and beans. In this phrase however, it is meant as food in general.
Similarly, Aahaar, which means intake in general by all senses, is usually understood to be only in terms of food taken in by mouth.

If we investigate thoroughly, we will find that it is the intake from all the senses that makes up our thinking, our mind. It's not only what we intake with the mouth, what we eat or drink affects our thoughts, rather whatever we see, hear, feel and smell or read; everything changes our mood, our way of thinking.

Therefore, to control our thoughts, it is said that we need to watch and control our ‘Aahaar’; not just the food but the intake from all the five senses.

It would help us to understand the message of the Scriptures more clearly if we know the meaning of certain words as they used to be in the era when they were written.

‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Excellent Uncle Ji ! Context, Language is very important to understand in alot of cases. Especially, the scriptures. I remember once you were guiding us, that when we read the scriptures to focus on the Spiriutality and the concept of God or a Greater Being and how everything else is socio cultural and changes with Time. Amazing thank you ! Dhan Nirankar Ji.


  2. Very Beautiful Thought and Explanation

  3. Thanks for defining it.. I never knew this meaning of "Ann"


  4. I bow my head and salute you for your in-depth study and analysis. Today I am a tiny little wiser after knowing the real meaning of "Jaisa Aan - Taisa Man". Thanks again.

  5. Thank you Kumar ji..
    Ann is short version of Anaaj, meaning Grains

  6. Rajan Ji,

    Good job explaining jaisa ann waisa mann.

    with regards,

    Skattar Sandhu

  7. Beautiful creation sir.

  8. Very well explained uncle ji. "Jaisa Ann, Taisa Tann". nice combination. i have always heared " Jaisa Ann, Waisa Mann". but made nice contrast to it. when we are forced to eat food that has all the negativity attached to it. of course it will affect our mind, which will lead us with unstable thoughts. and then it would affect our body as well. As the recent diary of yours "The body & Mind" tells us how the mind controls our body as well.




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