Monday, April 3, 2023

This, Too, Shall Pass

A king asked his courtiers to bring such a thing, that would make a sad person happy and a happy person sad.
That seeing it, a sad person would forget his sorrow - become patient and calm.
But a happy person becomes disappointed, sad, and restless on seeing it.

A wise man wrote something on a piece of paper and presented it to the king.
The king looked at the paper - it said:
                 This, too, shall pass.

The king realized - that a sad person would become happy and calm knowing that this time of sorrow would eventually pass and better days would come in his life. 
Thinking that the bad time will be over and good days will come, a sad person will surely become hopeful and happy.

And at the same time, thinking that his fortune and good times - the good glorious days would not last forever - can make a happy person sad.

Gyanis or wise people understand this law of nature that time keeps on changing - it does not always stays the same. 
They remember this principle and remain equanimous and calm in every situation. They do not become proud in times of happiness and do not lose patience in times of difficulty – do not become impatient and restless.
There is neither playfulness nor ego in their lives nor the feeling of being superior to others.
Nor do they fall prey to despair and inferiority complex in difficult times.

Applying this knowledge in every situation, wise people always stay calm - in a state of tranquility and serenity.


  1. A great lesson to always follow for peace of mind.
    (I would have used “ecstasy” instead of “playfulness” - IMHO)

  2. An excellent advice to calm and relax 🌹🌹


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