Sunday, April 16, 2023

You don't have to be Perfect to Inspire others

"You don't have to be perfect to inspire others
Just need to be honest and truthful." 

To inspire others, you don't need to be perfect and flawless in every respect.
Guiding and inspiring others by sharing your experiences with truth and honesty - is also excellent work and great service. 

Remember - No person in the world is perfect in every respect. 
And no one can be.
No human being can be fully knowledgeable in every subject - every field and perfect in every art.
Every person has some qualities but has some flaws and weaknesses too. 
No one is perfect and flawless in every way.
But if we wish, we can take advantage and learn from every good and bad experience of their life - and try to move towards the path of perfection and flawlessness ourselves.

Similarly - if we think and know that we are not perfect ourselves - even then - with our limited knowledge and experience, we must try to inspire others to uplift their state of mind - Try to bring upliftment and happiness in their lives.
                                              "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Thank you ---I am a Big Fan of yours ji 🙏🙏

  2. True…helps, as I very feel awkward to help/inspire others as I know I am not perfect.

  3. An excellent thoughts 🙏🙏

  4. Thanks for sharing this wonderful advice Jì.

  5. So true and motivating ji


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