Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Knowing the Self - Nayamaatma Pravachanen Labhyo

Nayamaatma Pravachanen Labhyo - Na Medhayaa na bahunaa Shrutena
Yamevaisha Vranutay Tena Labhyas Tasya EshAatma Vivarnutay Tanum Savaam 
                     (Kathopanishad 1:2:23)
The Self - the state of being one with the Self - can not simply be achieved by the Pravachans - by elegant teaching of the Scriptures or listening to the discourses of the enlightened ones - nor with intellect. 
It is gained by him who chooses it alone - Verily unto him, this Atman - this Self reveals its true nature.

Meaning -  
It can only be attained if the Self chooses to do so. 

The first thing to remember is that 'we' are not the body - 'we' are the Atma.
This can only be achieved when the Atma - meaning we ourselves choose to do so.
What the Atma chooses – that is, which goal we choose. 
Is our inclination towards the world or towards knowing ourselves?
One who has an intense yearning to know himself - only he can have the realization of the Self - only he can be one with the Self.
It is only through deep desire, discipline, and practice that the Self reveals itself.
Therefore, there must be a deep desire and longing to know and be one with the Self. 
According to the Chhandogya Upanishad: 
A person is what his deep desire is. It is our deepest desire in this life that shapes the life to come. So - Let's direct our deepest desires to realize the Self.
Bhagavad Geeta says one must be a Mumukshu to realize the Self. 
In other words - we have to walk the path ourselves. 
If the outer Self wants to know and be one with the true inner Self - there must be a deep desire and profound longing for it. 

To be able to understand - and do something, knowledge is required. 
But to feel something and make it a part of life requires experience.
And the experience does not come just from reading, listening, or simply knowing the path.
Although reading the Scriptures and listening to the discourses can guide us in the right direction. 
They can put us on the right track - but the experience can only be gained by walking the path - not simply knowing it.
Through Gyana - proper knowledge - and Dhayana Sumiran and meditation, one can achieve the state of being one with the true Self - and experience the bliss. 
                             ' Rajan Sachdeva

Na Ayam Aatma      =  neither this Self 
Pravachanena           =  by elegant teachings 
Labhyah                    =   Achieved, Reached, Gained, Known, etc.
Na Medhayaa          =  nor by intellect
Na Bahunaa Shrutena  = nor by a lot of listening or learning 
Yam            = whom
Eshah    =  this (the Self )
Vranutay    = - chooses 
Tena       =  by him 
Labhyaḥ      =- can be reached
Tasya       =   to him
Eshah Aatma     = this Self
Vivarnutay       =  Reveals
Svaam Tanum  = Itself  


  1. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wonderful explanation as how to lead spiritual life after taking the gyan 🌹🙏🌹

  3. Truly Said uncle ji👏Dhan nirankar ji 👏


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