Thursday, April 20, 2023

The highest form of intelligence

The highest form of intelligence is - 
      To observe without judgment.

The highest state of Gyana & Vivek - knowledge and wisdom is to observe as a Saakshi - as a witness. 
This means not judging merits and demerits -
Not making opinions about others.
Seeing everyone equally - 
Loving and respecting everyone without discrimination of any sort.
Assessment without judgment
Review without malice
Opinions and beliefs without narrow-mindedness
and conduct - free from selfishness and discrimination.
                          "Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Very difficult but can try🙏🏼🙏🏼

  2. Awal Allah Noor Upaya
    Kudrat ke sab bande
    Ek Noor se sab jag upjeya
    Kaun bhale kaun mande🙏

  3. For this form of intelligence to be part of one's life, they would need to disassociate themselves from most of the worldly things and even people like a sanyaasi. And even then, it would be nearly impossible. The nature of human beings and Life for that matter is such that we are inherently selfish and judgemental. However, the key is that we keep trying for all the reasons we aware of. Thank you ji 🙏🏻

    1. You are right. No one can be perfect. But if we strive for perfection - we might achieve excellence.

  4. Real good teaching.


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