Sunday, April 23, 2023

Homage to Mata Kumar Sahajwani ji

In a world full of negativity - where people often prioritize their own needs over others, it is truly gratifying to come across someone full of love for everyone. ​
Such is the case of Mata Kumar ji - ​mother of Sh. Kumar Sahajwani ji - who had nothing but love and generosity in her heart.​ Who spent her life just ​loving and ​giving and giving.​
Her kind and caring nature touched the hearts of everyone who met her and became an inspiration to all who knew her.

​She left her mortal body yesterday at the age of 97 in Phoenix Arizona.​

Though this remarkable ​mother has lived a long and wonderful life, it's her kindness, compassion, and selflessness that have left a lasting impact on those around her. E​​everyone who met her was touched by her warmth and kindness.​
Anyone who knew her personally knows that she was, in fact,​ ​​'love personified'​ ​-​ always ​smiling and loving - ​spreading love and joy wherever she went. Never complained or spoke ill of anyone. 
It seemed her mission in life was just ​loving and giving and giving.

​Despite facing her health ​challenges over the last couple of ​years, this remarkable mother had never let them dampen her spirits. 
She always approached life with a positive attitude and​ unshakable steadfast​ ​dedication towards the Satguru and Nirankar.​ 
Even when she was in her late eighties - she would get up in the congregations and start singing and dancing in sheer love and devotion. 
She ​was​ a shining example of the power of love and compassion. 
It reminds us that even small acts of love and kindness can have profound impacts on others.
​Her impact on my mind - and many others - is immeasurable and unforgettable.
Her legacy of love and kindness - tolerance, forgiveness, and big-heartedness, will always ​live in our minds - even if she is no more with us​ physically. 

​In a society that often values material possessions and individual success above all else, this wonderful lady has shown us the value of giving and loving unconditionally. That - the greatest gifts we can give are not only money and worldly things - but those of the heart - kindness, compassion, and love - to rise above all differences and disagreements and always be helpful and grateful. 

We can all learn from her example - and strive to make a positive difference in our lives - and in the world around us in our own unique ways. 
Let us celebrate the life of this great and wonderful Saint​ Mata Kumar ji - who reminds us of the beauty and power of love and kindness.
                                             " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. She was a wonderful personality. Love you Mata ji. ЁЯЩПЁЯЩПЁЯЩП

  2. She was truly an inspiration to everyone around her. Her caring nature and devotion to Nirankar will stay with us forever.

  3. She was full of love for all and is such an inspiration for us all. We love you Mata jiЁЯЩПЁЯП╗

  4. Jai Shri kumar Mata Ji ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗ЁЯеАЁЯЩПЁЯП╗

  5. Jai Shri Mata Kumar Ji ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗ЁЯеАЁЯЩПЁЯП╗

  6. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with Mata Ji and I can say that every word Rev Rajan Ji said about her is absolutely true. ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗

  7. ЁЯЩПЁЯЩП Tribute to great Saint mother. Had the good fortune of spending time with her about 2 months ago and once again experienced her love and blessings, although physically not well. ЁЯЩПЁЯЩП. JK

  8. She certainly was ‘Love personified’. I was fortunate to witness her beautiful smile and receive her unconditional love and care.

  9. Great saint Mata ji was a source of inspiration, how to live a life full of love &
    kindness. Lot to learn from her life setting example for
    us. Thanks Rajan ji sharing
    life of great saint Mata ji who was always blessed & lived blissful life .

  10. ЁЯЩПRespected mata kumar sahajwani ji was a agreat saint full of love and kindness. May we follow their footsteps in life. ЁЯЩП

  11. Respected Mata Nirmala Sahajwani Ji, mother of Respected Kumar Sahajwani Ji, was a kind and loving soul. May Nirankar inspire many of us to emulate her virtuous nature, and make our own lives worth living.
    Thank you, Respected Rajan Ji, for sharing this tribute with all of us.
    - Ram Nagrani

  12. Rajan ji you are right she was love personified. She was amazing personality ЁЯЩПЁЯМ╣

  13. She was indeed a loveliest human being. I remember when I first met her in 2014 she was so kind towards me forced me to eat lots of food, shared her days in Pakistan. She would always sent me off with loads of prayers. I will always see her smiling. Love you Dadi ji always will.


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