Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The downfall of a man

                     Observation and Reflection

The ignorant see the downfall of another person as a topic for discussion. 
To criticize and reprimand or simply to gossip - 
just for the sake of entertainment.

But the wise people see it as a warning to themselves.
They try to evaluate their own situation -
and try to learn how to avoid their own downfall.


  1. Perfectly true. ��

  2. Dhan Nirankar ji
    Very true ����

  3. True!
    If we stay and gossip with a group, then we can be certain that we will be their next topic of discussion when we leave the room.

    1. That is absolutely true Nagrani ji - we don't realize that the same people would talk about us also behind our backs.

  4. We do see others downfall try to help him recover but then start finding his causes of downfall to alert ourselves. ��❤️


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