Friday, October 15, 2021

On Vijay-Dashmi - Dashehra

On Vijay-Dashmi .....
Every year -  in every city - an effigy of Ravan is burnt with great enthusiasm and passion. 

The higher the Ravan, the more spectacular it will be.
And the greater the noise of burning firecrackers -
The more enjoyment the audience will get.

But surrounded by the crowd, the burning Ravan asks:
O’ you all -- who are burning me today …….
Which one is Ram amongst you?

The irony is that before we burn the Ravan - 
We create and build it ourselves.
And then make it stand in front of everyone and pretend to burn him with great enthusiasm and passion.

Next year again, we make a new Ravan and then burn it.
Year after year - and this cycle continues.

If we stop creating a new Ravan in our mind again and again….
Then there will not be a need to burn it again and again.

Let's make a resolution on this Vijay Dashami - Dashehra:
That this time we will kill Ravana inside ourselves and burn it forever
And we will not let any new Ravan get created in our minds ever again.

Note: Ravana is a symbolic figure representing - heightened ego of wealth, power, beauty, knowledge, Gyan, etc.
and the many other negative traits of mankind.


  1. Very nice thought you are so right about "killing Ravana within ourselves forever.Thank you do much Respected Rajan ji !🙏
    Anil Gambhir

  2. Correction; Thank you so (not do much,it was Auto fill)
    Anil Gambhir

  3. May goodness prevail over evil tendencies!

  4. Dhan Nirankar.
    Thank you for reminding us that what is symbolic should be practiced in life every day . Not create a new one every time. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. Dhan Nirankar.
    Thank you for reminding us that what is symbolic should be practiced in life every day . Not create a new one every time. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  6. Dhan Nirankar.
    Thank you for reminding us that what is symbolic should be practiced in life every day . Not create a new one every time. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


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