Saturday, March 26, 2022

Duniya ik Ajab ...The world I see.. ​दुनिया इकअजब सराए

​दुनिया इकअजब सराए फ़ानी देखी
हर चीज़ यहाँ की आनी जानी देखी
जो आ के न जाए वो बुढ़ापा देखा
जो जा के न आए वो जवानी देखी

             ' अनीस लखनवी ' (1803–1874)

Duniya ik ajab Saraaye-Faani dekhi
Har cheez yahan ki aani jaani dekhi
Jo aa kay na jaaye woh budhapa dekhaa
Jo jaa kay na aaye - woh jawaani dekhi

                       ' Mir Anees Lakhnavi ' (1803–1874)
                                  English Translation

The world I see is a strange, deviant kind of inn -

Everything (and everyone) we see here comes and goes. 

(Nothing is for keeping)

Saw the old age - which once comes- never goes away.

And the youth - once it's gone, never comes back. 

Saraaye --- Free travelers lodge or inn where travelers & visitors can stay for a few days.
Faani - Perishable


  1. Ye such agr samaj aaye to kamal ho jaye vair nafrat sab mit jaye


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...