Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Na Peer say poochho na Fakeer say (Don't ask a wise - nor a mystic)

          'Na kisi Peer say poochho - Na Fakeer say poochho
          Apnay baaray me khud apni hee zameer say poochho

Don't ask any Peer (wise) - don't ask a Fakir (a mystic)
If you really want to know yourself - 
then ask your own heart - your own conscience.

Because no one knows you better than yourself.
People know about you only as they see you from the outside - 
or how you want to be seen by others.
Only you can see who you really are - no one else can.

Therefore, if you truly want to know yourself, then occasionally sit alone and try to read your own mind.
Try to understand your own thoughts, desires, and feelings - sincerely and honestly.
Look at yourself as critically as you see others.

This is called Sakshi-Bhaav in the scriptures 
Meaning just witnessing - without any preconceptions and predispositions.
That is trying to know and understand yourself objectively like an observer 
- without any bias or inclinations - without prejudice or preference.
There can be no better way than this to know yourself.
          'Na kisi Peer say poochho - Na Fakeer say poochho
           Apnay baaray me khud apni hee zameer say poochho'
                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Bilkul sahi hai !The ultimate Truth ��

  2. An excellent explanation ����

  3. 🌹🙏 before we can read and write we must learn how to read and write

  4. I call it atma manthan

  5. ����really true


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...