Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Buddhi Gyaan say yukt rahay (The intellect full of wisdom)

Buddhi Gyaan say yukt rahay 
Man aham bhaav say mukt rahay 
Aur karm sadaa upyukt rahay  
                    To jeevan sehaj saral sadaa aanandit rehtaa  hai 

Jo apnay kaam mein vyast rahay 
Jo milaa hai us men trapt rahay 
Aur apnay aap mein mast rahay 
                  To us ka jeevan shaant - chintaa mukt rehtaa  hai 

Jo moh maaya mein grast rahay  
Auron kay sukh say trast rahay  
Nij svaarth mein aasakt rahay 
                      To us ka jeevan - aanand say rikt rehtaa  hai 

Eeshvar ka aabhaas rahay 
Man mein bhakti ka vaas rahay  
Aur sumiran svaas svaas rahay 
                      To moh maaya kay jaal say virakt rehtaa  hai 

Jo har rang mein ik rang rahay 
Man mein na koyi tarang rahay 
Har samay prabhu kay sang rahay 
                    'Rajan' voh param aanand mein anurakt rehtaa hai
                                               " Rajan Sachdeva "

                         English Translation 

The intellect full of wisdom -
The Mind free from ego
And doing proper Karma 
           Such life is simple, sincere, and blissful

Those who keep busy with their work
Always content with what they have
and enjoy the company of their own-self
        Their life always remains calm and worry-free

Those- who are absorbed in Maya - the worldly illusions
Feel sad and despaired from the happiness of others
Always thinking of only their self-interests
              Their life is always devoid of peace and joy

Those - who, all around, feel the presence of God
Whose mind is filled with pure devotion 
Every breath they breathe in remembrance of the Lord
        Their life remains detached from the traps of Maya.

In every situation - who remain the same
Do not let their mind wither and wane 
Always thoughtful of the Lord's grace
       Their life is immersed in supreme bliss - always
                                                             "Rajan Sachdeva "
Yukt                 = Connected, Associated
Upyukt               = proper, Appropriate 
Vyast                   = Busy
Trapt or Tript  =   Satisfied
Grast                =  Absorbed, Engrossed, 
Trast                =   Tormented, Troubled, Despaired, Distressed, grieved
Aasakt              = Attached, Indulged, Immersed, Engrossed, Infatuated
Rikt                   =  Empty, Without, Devoid of
Virakt              = Detached, Away, Unconcerned, Neutral, Recluse
Anurakt          =  Absorbed, Immersed, Joyous 


  1. I am very much impressed with your thoughts on Buddhi Gyaan ������

  2. Great post����

  3. Waah Jì .. beautiful and true ����


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...