Sunday, March 6, 2022

Reacting with impulse or wisdom

There are times when we have to face some adverse events and situations in our lives.
Usually, we react impulsively - at the spur of the moment - without thinking.

There are circumstances that might be beyond our control - 
but it's in our power to choose how to act or react in those different situations.

Reacting, either with impulse or wisdom, is in our hands.
It may not be easy, but we can learn to control impulsive reactions with practice.

When I was young, I saw some preachers and scholars who reacted impulsively in a harsh manner when they faced disagreement - when they were questioned about their beliefs and knowledge.

Later, when I got the opportunity of preaching in J&K and Punjab, I remembered those incidents and thought I should never react like that.
So, after the congregations - just before meeting people for discussions or question-answer sessions, I would always say to myself - 
"There will be some disagreements - some people might be rude and ask absurd questions, but I am not going to get upset. I will try to answer their queries and satisfy their apprehensions about the mission and my beliefs calmly to the best of my abilities."

This practice of reminding myself in advance worked in my favor. 
I was able to face some adverse moments and harsh questionings during such sessions with ease.
And if some people were still not pleased and satisfied, I would depart in a friendly manner - with a happy ending note.

The point is - that, with practice - we can learn how to handle adverse situations calmly and not react impulsively.
While our circumstances are beyond our control - our choices - decisions, and attitudes are within our control.
                                                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. ЁЯМ╣ЁЯЩП Especially very difficult in some circumstances than others.

  2. Your messages are written in a way that they softly touch our inside, and slide into its intended destination. Thank you. thank you and thank you again for freely distributing these pearls of wisdom.

  3. So true!! Otherwise you regret afterwards. ����

  4. Own experiences are always best teachers.

  5. It’s a wonderful advice to practice and imbibe to have a cozy and comfortable journey of life. Thanks very much J├м .����


Discussion vs Argument рдЪрд░्рдЪा рдмрдиाрдо рдмрд╣рд╕

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...