Friday, December 31, 2021

Another year is coming to an end

Another year is coming to an end.
A year that might have been outstanding for some, devastating for others, and just another average year for many.

Every year leaves some unforgettable memories in our minds - some good ones and some not-so-good ones.
For many, 2021 might have been a year of regrets and anxieties - disappointments and complaints - while the others might have seen it as an opportunity for introspection.

Many have realized by now that our collective actions as a human race have collective consequences for the whole world. If we play with nature and disrupt it, it can react and disturb us too.
It is indeed an important lesson to remember.
However, there are many who still do not want to feel responsible at all. They find no fault in their own thinking and actions - and blame others for every bad thing that happens - especially on their opponents.

                Years come and go - the numbers keep on changing.
Last year was 2021, and now it will be 2022.
However, these numbers are according to Gregorian - or commonly known as the western or Christian calendar - which is the most acknowledged international calendar and used all over the world.
Though, every culture, religion, and community in the world has its own calendar that starts on a different day of the year. Hindus, Jains, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists, all have their own calendars and a "New Year's Day.
Since at one point in history, most of the world, including India, was ruled and controlled by the European and Christian rulers - the ruled countries and colonies had to use the Gregorian calendar. 
For convenience, India and all other countries continued using it even after gaining independence from British rule.

But does this day has any significance in time and space? In nature or in the universe?
It is simply another ordinary day - picked up by some as the new beginning and followed by the rest of the world.

Moreover, January 1st - as New Year's Day has been heavily commercialized by entrepreneurs and the media by selling cards, souvenirs - advertising parties and count-down events & gatherings, etc.

Year after year, we keep on celebrating yet another New Year - making new - never to be fulfilled resolutions. 
Asking for forgiveness and sending well wishes for the coming new year to everyone we know.
But unfortunately, after the calendar changes, everything goes back to as it was. 
Nothing really changes.
The only change that happens is on the calendar.
The change of the date - the new year's celebration will not change anything unless we change our overall perspective - our outlook and thinking.
Because the real change has to come from within.

                       Years come and go.
Who knows if we will live to see another year or not.
However, what is important is how we live and act every day and every moment.
As they say: Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.'
So live your life fully.
Cherish every moment of your life.
Hopefully, things will get back to normal. 
And soon enough - everyone will be able to breathe freely - walk freely, travel, and meet the nears and dears freely.

Let's remember the lessons from the last year and try to build a better life and a better world around us.
Let's remember an age-old saying that True Light is knowledge and love.
Therefore - Let's kindle the light of True Gyana - the pure knowledge, wisdom, and love in our hearts.
Let's light the lamp of knowledge to dispel the darkness of ignorance from our hearts and minds - and those around us.
Let's be the light of joy.
Let's drop the regrets of the past - and plan for a better future.
Let's try to live a simple, peaceful, practical, and helpful life.
Let us forgive and try to forget what wrong others might have done to us.
Let's light the lamp of compassion to serve others - 
To do all the good we can and try not to hurt anyone intentionally.
Let's fill our hearts with gratitude for the abundance that the divine has bestowed upon us.
Let's hope for progress and excellent health for everyone and Peace in the world.
And at the same time, take care of our - Self as well.
              Happy New Year.
                                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Very apt write up Rajan jee... Wishing you too a very happy new year as for accounting measure one's performance ,we need a start and end date

  2. Another thought coming to mind...
    A year is a mini trailor of Life..
    It has all seasons be it summer,winter, spring,autumn, rainy . It has all ups and down moments..
    We usher in new year with a feeling of new life with love all score (0-0)
    Happy new year Rajan jee


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...